
Stop & Shop 2023 Corporate Social Responsibility Report

Stop & Shop has published its first-ever “Corporate Social Responsibility Report,” providing updates on its work in promoting healthy living, helping neighbors in need, protecting the planet, and championing diversity and inclusion. The inaugural report details Stop & Shop’s efforts and accomplishments in 2023 and the retailer’s continued commitment to nourishing its associates, customers and communities.

Among its accomplishments, Stop & Shop reached a milestone last year of supporting more than 200 in-school pantries through the Stop & Shop School Food Pantry Program, helping 40,000-plus children and their families with consistent access to healthy foods.

Stop & Shop Chief Marketing Officer and H2HC Leadership Council Co-Chair Karen Mitchell was interviewed in April 2024 by Progressive Grocer about the retailer’s recently launched Feed It Forward campaign, which is the platform through which the company communicates its commitment to community giving.

Learn more about Stop & Shop’s recent work and commitments to the community, health, and environment in the new report.